Atomic absorption spectrometer
PerkinElmer has always been the most innovating company in the atomic absorption area: first double beam, first Deuterium correction, first graphite oven… Today, the longitudinal Zeeman-effect correction, the transverse heating, the TTC measure, the “Total Flow” gas box remain among the instruments with the higher performance. You will find in our range the solution for your applications: mining, pharmaceutical, hospital, research, environmental… For your routine analysis, the flame models are simple, robust and reach excellent performances. These instruments can switch to an oven mode, a coupling with an hydride generator or a sample changer. The PinAAcle 900 series are automated flame and oven SAA, enabling to realize on the bounce several series of measures on both techniques. The graphite ovens with transverse heating and longitudinal Zeeman-effect of the PinAAcle 900 will enable you to reach unequalled performances, even on the most complex matrix: biological matrix, blood, serum, loaded matrix…
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PinAAcle 900H Atomic absorption spectrometer
Spectrometer and a flame oven, compact and intuitive to provide performance and reliability.
PinAAcle 900T Atomic absorption spectrometer
The reference in atomic absorption spectrometry! The flame and graphite furnace technology pushed to their maximum performance, the most difficult samples.
PinAAcle 900Z Atomic absorption spectrometer
The best innovations PerkinElmer for optimal analysis on the most difficult samples.
PinAAcle 500
PerkinElmer’s PinAAcle™ 500 is the world’s first completely corrosion-resistant flame atomic absorption (AA) spectrometer, designed to withstand the harshest environments and most corrosive samples.