Epsilon 4
Malvern panalytical
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Fast and accurate at-line elemental analysis
Built on the experience and success of the proven Epsilon 3 range of XRF spectrometers, the Epsilon 4 is a multi-functional benchtop XRF analyzer for any industry segment needing elemental analysis from fluorine (F) to americium (Am) in areas from R&D through to process control. Combining the latest excitation and detection technologies with mature software and smart design, the analytical performance of Epsilon 4 approaches that of more powerful and floor-standing XRF spectrometers.
Due to its low infrastructural requirements, Epsilon 4 can be placed next to the production line anywhere in your process. Its high performance enables most applications to be operated at ambient conditions, reducing costs for helium or vacuum maintenance.
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for the elemental analysis range from carbon (C) to americium (Am) and the concentration range from sub-ppm to 100 wt%.
Use Omnian for standardless analysis, use FingerPrint for material testing when analysis speed is important or use Stratos for a rapid, simple and non-destructive analysis of coatings, surface layers and multi-layered structures. One could also use Enhanced Data Security which supports compliancy with regulations like FDA 21 CFR Part 11 or use Oil-Trace for quantifying fuel-biofuel mixtures to fresh and used lubricating oils.
Flexible configurations
Latest developments
Fast and sensitive
Unique detector electronics enable a linear count rate capacity to over 1,500,000 cps (at 50% dead time) and a count rate independent resolution typically better than 135 eV for better separation of analytical lines in the spectrum. This allows the Epsilon 4 spectrometer to run at full power and therefore realizes a much higher sample throughput compared to traditional EDXRF benchtop instruments.
Reduce helium consumption