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DA 7350 In-line NIR
The DA 7350 In-line NIR sensor provides continuous, simultaneous measurement of parameters such as moisture, protein, fat/oil, ash and much more.
IndiScope FT-IR Milk Analyzer
Best of all, its ruggedized form factor makes it perfect for less-than-ideal collection conditions, with maximum uptime and superfast results – in less than 30 seconds. And this proven FT-IR technology meets ISO, IDF, and AOAC guidance for repeatability.
Histamine test kit ELISA TEST KIT ELISA
The MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay Kit enables international and government regulatory agencies, food manufacturers and processors, as well as quality assurance organizations, to detect histamine in animal matrices in response to customer concerns about food. safety.
Histamine test strips
The test strips can detect unsafe levels of histamine in only 4 minutes without the use of organic solvents or heating steps.
MaxSignal® Nitrofurantoin (AHD) ELISA Kit
ELISA for the Screening of Food for Nitrofuran Residues. The MaxSignal® Nitrofuran group of products provide competitive ELISA kits for the quantitative analysis of each nitrofuran in a variety of sample types.
MaxSignal® Chloramphenicol ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Chloramphenicol ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of cloramphenicol in chicken, fish, and shrimp.
MaxSignal® Clenbuterol ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Clenbuterol ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of clenbuterol in chicken, pork, beef, urine, and honey.
MaxSignal® Fluoroquinolone ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Fluoroquinolone ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of fluoroquinolone in chicken, fish, shrimp, and honey.
MaxSignal® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk powder and yogurt.
Perten Glutomatic® 2000 System
The world standard for gluten quantity and quality determination. When baking bread and producing noodles or pasta, the flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product. The Perten Glutomatic® System is the world standard for determination of gluten quantity and quality.
DA 6200 NIR Olive and Meat Analyzer
The DA 6200™ is an advanced and portable NIR transmission instrument for meat and olive processors.
QuickSTAR™ Horizon™ Strip Reader
The QuickSTAR™ Horizon™ Strip Reader is a patented ruggedized handheld lateral flow testing system that provides rapid results and increases testing throughput and efficiency.
LactoScope™ FT-A Liquid Dairy Products Analyzer
The LactoScope FT-A is our most versatile mid-infrared analyzer capable of testing a wide range of dairy product: milks, creams, whey, concentrates, ice-creams and yoghurt mixes.
AuroFlow™ AQ Afla Strip Test
The AuroFlow ™ AQ Mycotoxin Test Strip Platform is a rapid, quantitative lateral flow test designed to detect mycotoxin residues in corn, wheat and other commodities.
AuroFlow™ PR1ME™ BT Combo MRL Assay
The AuroFlow™ PR1ME™ BT Combo Strip Test Kit is a qualitative and rapid lateral flow assay designed to test beta-lactam and tetracycline antibiotic residues in raw, commingled cow's milk.
MaxSignal® Beta-Lactam ELISA Kit
Le kit MaxSignal® Beta-Lactam ELISA est un dosage immunoenzymatique compétitif pour l'analyse quantitative des bêta-lactames dans le lait, la viande, l'œuf, l'urine, le sérum, le plasma, le poisson, les aliments pour animaux, le miel et les échantillons de frottis.
AuroFlow™ BT Combo Strip Test
AuroFlow ™ BT Combo Test Strips are a qualitative and rapid lateral flow test designed to detect residues of beta-lactam and tetracycline antibiotics in raw and mixed cow's milk
AuroFlow™ BTS Combo Strip Test
The AuroFlow™ BTS Combo Strip Test is a qualitative and rapid lateral flow assay designed to detect beta-lactam, tetracycline, and sulfonamide antibiotic residues in raw, commingled cow's milk.
AuroFlow™ Beta-Lactam Strip Test
The AuroFlow ™ Beta-Lactam Strip Test is a qualitative and rapid lateral flow test designed to detect residues of beta-lactam antibiotics in raw and mixed cow's milk.
Test kit Salmonella One ELISA
Use Solus One Salmonella to test the most challenging matrices using simple enrichment protocol variations.
Solus Listeria Monocytogenes ELISA
With Solus Listeria monocytogenes ELISA solution, you get a highly efficient assay that delivers results in around 51 hours, including three hours to negative/presumptive positive results
MaxSignal® Amoxicillin ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Amoxicillin ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of amoxicillin in milk, meat, urine, serum, plasma, fish, shrimp, and feed.
MaxSignal® Dairy Product Pasteurization Verification Kit
Pasteurization verification provides a sanitary guarantee and the accuracy of the MaxSignal kits gives you complete confidence in your results.
Avio 550 Max ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer
The Avio® 550 Max is a compact, fully simultaneous ICP-OES instrument, ideal for labs with high throughput requirements.
Avio 220 Max ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer
The Avio® 220 Max is a compact, hybrid simultaneous ICP-OES instrument, ideal for labs with low-to-medium throughput requirements.
The NexION® 5000 is a multi-quadrupole-based instrument innovatively designed to remove the most complex interferences in ICP-MS analysis, ideal for applications in semiconductor (SEMI S2/S8 compliant with upgrade kit), biomonitoring and other industries.
DS2 ELISA Processing System
Improve your testing capabilities today and deliver better, more-accurate results – the DS2 offers the performance you demand and the value you expect.
Solus Listeria Elisa
Solus Listeria™ provides laboratories with an easy to use, cost effective and efficient method for the detection of Listeria in food and environmental samples.
Solus E.coli O157
Solus E. coli O157™ offers food testing laboratories an easy to use, cost effective and efficient method for the detection of E. coli O157™ in food and environmental samples.
Solus One Salmonella
Rapid testing and enhanced throughput for food and environmental samples
Solus Salmonella ELISA
Solus Salmonella™ offers food testing laboratories an easy to use, cost effective and efficient method for the detection of Salmonella in food and environmental samples.
Spotlight 400 FT-IR Imaging System
Spotlight™ IR microscope systems are designed to meet the challenges of an expanding laboratory by generating high-quality, reproducible data from a variety of sample types. The Spotlight 400 FT-IR Imaging System combines high sensitivity and rapid imaging with ease-of-use. The ability to image large sample areas rapidly at high spatial resolution extends FT-IR microscopy into new applications.
LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer
The high performance LAMBDA 1050+ offers unmatched flexibility by providing you the choice to configure systems to suit your needs. From selection of detectors to accessories that provide the most convenient and flexible approach to sampling than any other UV/Vis/NIR system available.
LAMBDA 850+ UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
It is designed for analysis of coatings, high performance glass, and components in both research and manufacturing. The instrument meets industry standards for ultra-high performance, flexibility, and convenience.
LAMBDA 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
The LAMBDA™ 365 delivers state-of-the-art UV Vis performance that meets the needs of pharmaceuticals, analytic chemists, geneticists, and manufacturing QA/QC analysts everywhere. With 21 CFR part 11 compliant software available, the LAMBDA system is ready to support everything from standard methods and applications to those requiring regulatory compliance.
LAMBDA 465 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Designed specifically for high-end research as well as routine and high-throughput applications, the LAMBDA™ 465 UV/Vis is the innovative PDA solution that provides maximum reliability – for maximum confidence in your results.
The NexION® 1000 ICP-MS is the ideal high-throughput system for routine, multi-elemental, trace-level analyses that meet regulatory standards – and that works within your budget. It features a host of proprietary technologies that combine to deliver exceptional speed and operational simplicity, making your lab more efficient than ever before.
OilExpress™ 4 system delivers highly automated, rapid, reliable oil condition monitoring results using recognized industry standard protocols such as ASTM®, JOAP and Caterpillar
For trace multi-element inorganic analyses, the NexION® 2000 ICP Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) provides unique benefits to laboratories.
Avio 200 ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer
PerkinElmer’s new Avio™ 200 is a compact ICP-OES that combines a vertical plasma design with a host of unique hardware features to handle even the most difficult, high-matrix samples without dilution, delivering a whole new level of performance and flexibility to ICP.
Avio 500 ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer
The PerkinElmer Avio® 500 is a truly simultaneous, dual view, compact ICP-OES. It utilizes a vertical plasma and is engineered to handle even the most difficult, high-matrix samples without dilution, delivering productivity, performance and faster return on investment.
PinAAcle 900H Atomic absorption spectrometer
Spectrometer and a flame oven, compact and intuitive to provide performance and reliability.
PinAAcle 900Z Atomic absorption spectrometer
The best innovations PerkinElmer for optimal analysis on the most difficult samples.
PinAAcle 500
PerkinElmer’s PinAAcle™ 500 is the world’s first completely corrosion-resistant flame atomic absorption (AA) spectrometer, designed to withstand the harshest environments and most corrosive samples.