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Increasing complexity of modern biotherapeutic characterization, monitoring, and quality control assays require even more demanding analytical techniques to accurately define and assess critical quality control attributes (CQAs) related to product safety, stability, and efficacy.
Post-column photo-reactor “PhCR”
A system which makes it possible to get rid of the historical systems of electrochemical types which use an electrochemical cell and the use of halogenated reagents
Post-Column reaction module
The temperature can be adjusted from room temperature to 120 ° C and has a security system !
High temperature furnace
The programmable temperature control system keeps the liquid chromatography columns at constant temperatures - from a few degrees above ambient to 150 ° C!
Acquity APC
Today’s polymer scientists operate within an increasingly dynamic market space where a growing demand for high-performing materials, bio-material innovations, and intense competition create a heightened sense of urgency.
Breeze QS HPLC
The Breeze QS HPLC System delivers routine analyses and robust performance day after day, providing the confidence you need to get the job done.
Xevo TQ-S cronos
High performance quantitation, accessible to all. Routine testing doesn’t have to be limited – maximize your performance by expanding your analytes per injection and extending your validated concentration range, without increasing your lab footprint.
Xevo TQ-S micro
Revolutionary design has produced a tandem quadrupole instrument with a small footprint that delivers consistent low levels of quantitation with a wide dynamic range.
Xevo TQD
The single vendor solution for routine quantitative UPLC-MS/MS applications, providing maximum accessibility to the sensitivity, selectivity and robustness needed to ensure maximum productivity with minimum effort.
Xevo TQ-XS
Demands on analytical laboratories are changing and every laboratory needs to ensure it can keep pace with these changes.
Vion IMS Q-Tof
Vion IMS QTof dramatically reduces this risk as it has the sensitivity and dynamic range to make ion mobility quantitative and routinely usable.
Alliance HPLC
Handle continuity, homogeneity and reliability, the Alliance HPLC system insures obtaining exact and reproductible results of your analytical data. This performance is qualified for all systems HPLC Alliance watever of their age.
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system
ACQUITY UPLC System The H-Class present the highest resolution among all quaternary chromatographic systems on the market.
ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system
The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System insures cycle times and reduced solvent consumption while improving the accessibility and quality of your data.