Ambient air analyzers
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Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer (NO, NOX, NO2)
The new Chemiluminescent NO-NO2-NOX analyzer, model AC32M, combines our 30 years of experience with its predecessors AC30M & AC31M, with an enhanced electronics package and a modular component parts design
Suflur dioxide analyzer
The AF22M uses the universally recognized principle of UV Fluorescence applied to the measurement of sulfur dioxide.
Hydrocarbon Analyzer
The HC51M analyzer’s electrometer measures the current generated by the ionization of the carbon atoms in the flame fueled by a hydrogen/air mixture.
Carbon monoxide analyzer
The NDIR GFC (Non Dispersive InfraRed Gas Filter Correlation) carbon monoxide analyzer CO12M, combines over 25 years of experience in the NDIR CO measurement with an enhanced electronics package and a modular component parts design.
Ozone analyzer
Uses unique UV Photometry technology with a patented LED: the O342M is the first commercially certified ozone analyzer not using a mercury lamp as a source of excitation.
BTEX Analyzer
The VOC72M performs three main functions: the sampling, the GC analysis and the data processing
CAirPol Analyser
The core product of Cairpol is our sensor, Cairsens, and we build several integrated solutions around it, in order to address the various needs of air quality monitoring.