Very hight impedance Dielectric Interface
For mesurements on very resistive materials ( polymers, rubber, wood, adhesives, electronic components, waxes and oils, etc)
For very hight impedance mesurement with your 1260A or 1255B.
- Compatible with Cryostat 129610A
- Compatible with 1260A and 1255A/B
- Compatible with sample holder 12962A
The 1296A dielectric interface pushes the boundaries of your 1260A / 1255A frequency response analyzer. It will allow you to measure the ultra-low currents and characteristics of most materials.
The analysis of low conductivities and low losses in materials are very difficult with current frequency response analyzers because they are not sensitive enough, especially when studying low frequencies.
The 1296A interface has been developed to alleviate these difficulties and give you precise, fast and repeatable impedance measurements. The interface can be used with a wide range of materials including polymers, rubber, wood, adhesives, electronic components, oils … It is combined with an ergonomic software that allows you to concentrate on analyzing your results.
Associated with impedance analyzers 1260A or 1255, it allows you to study ultra-low currents and therefore impedances of more than 100 TΩ (10¹4Ω) on frequencies up to 10MHz.
- Frequency range 10 μHz to 10 MHz
- Signal amplitude 7V RMS
- Bias +/- 40V
- Impedance range 100 Ω to >100 TΩ
- Capacitance range 1 pF to >0.1 F
- Processus de relaxation dans les cristaux liquides, polymères et liquides
- Transport de charge dans les semi-conducteurs, céramique, cristaux organiques
- Analyse des réactions de polymérisations
- Analyse des piles à combustibles
- Caractérisation des isolations et des semiconducteurs