Modular and Plug & Play elecrochemical station
The Modulab ECS is a high performance modular electrochemical station. It can hold up to eight modules, including FRA, Current / Voltage Booster, Pstat, Femto Ammeter.
- Software include
- Accesoires : External booster ( 12V/20A, 24V/10A, 50V/5A, 50V/25A)
ModuLab systems comprise a chassis with power supply and display panel, and with either four or eight available slots, into which ModuLab modules may be inserted. As a minimum the system is fitted with one or more potentiostat modules; each of these in turn can then support one or more accessory cards, which include a frequency response analyzer, power booster, high voltage cards, and a femto ammeter for measuring very weak signal currents.
- Compliance voltage 8V (wihout HV module), 30V (with HV30), 100V (with HV100)
- Compliance current +/-100mA (without booster module), 2A (with booster module)
- Frequencies response analyseur module 1Mhz
- Current resolution 1,5pA (0,15fA with module femto ameter)
- Sampling at 1us
- Recherche fondamentale
- Recherche et développement de nouveaux sensor biologique, voltammétrique ou/et à gaz
- Etude et prévention de la corrosion avec les techniques EIS, Tafel, voltammétrie linéaire et cyvlique
- Nanotechnologie
- Batteries et piles à combustibles