Preamplifier Model 5113
Digital filter preamplifier
The model 5113 is a high performance, low noise voltage preamplifier with continuously adjustable gain and selectable high, low or bandpass filtering.
- Programmable filters (low-pass and high-pass)
- Single or differential input
- Low-noise
- Operating on battery or on your network
The low-noise 5113 preamplifier is undoubtedly the most known and most versatile low-signal measuring instrument on the market.
Designed by EG & G and now manufactured by SIGNAL RECOVERY, it can run on battery, accepts DC and AC voltages up to 1MHz and includes programmable filters. It gains of us to 50,000 which will allow you to measure very low signals in a precise and simple way.
- Frequency range: DC to 1MHz
- Gain from 5 to 5000
- Noise 4nv / √Hz @ 1Khz
- Input impedance AC & DC: 10MΩ or 100MΩ
- RS232 interface and LabView driver free
- Recherche acoustique (sonar..)
- Pont AC
- Amplification effet Hall
- Préamplification pour oscilloscope