Contaminameter T401 (Alpha, Beta and Gamma)
To make your measurement of contamination simply
Measurements of alpha, beta and gamma radiations in becqueral or strokes per second.
- Great ease of use
- Measuring probe with retractable 1.5m cable
- Programmable alarms
The T401 contaminameter has bbeen developed to be a relevant, simple and cost effective response to your alpha, beta and gamma contamination problems. The T401 is suitable for use in harsh environments (IP65 and IP67 for sensor protection) and by non-expert users.
Associated with its rotary probe (90°) it allows you to simply determine the contamination of a flat surface.
- Units of measurements per second or Becquerels / cm2
- Display with graphic and numeric display
- Measurement range from 0 – 4000cps
- Mesure de contamination
- Vérification de décontamination
- Protection des personnes